Privacy policy

The protection of Personal Data and the privacy of individuals is one of Sample-Me' priorities. As a Data Controller, Sample-Me is committed to comply with European and international regulations regarding the protection of personal data, and to implement all necessary measures to respect the confidentiality of Your Personal Data and to ensure their protection.

The aim of this Privacy Policy is to inform you about the reasons why we process your data, how long we keep your data, what are your rights and how you can exercise them. 

Any term beginning with a capital letter and not defined in this Privacy Policy has the meaning indicated in the Terms of Use. 

Why does Sample-Me process your data?

Sample-Me processes the Personal Data for the following purposes. These purposes each relate to a lawful basis for processing, as required by applicable law.

Type : Delivering our Services

  • Purpose
  • Allow You to access some of Our Services and describe our Services to current and prospective business partners and to other third parties
  • Establishing accounts to use the Services
  • Allow You to access our facilities.
  • Deliver our Services
  • Communicating with you in connection with the Service or as a result of a request
  • Sharing with our service providers that perform certain business functions or services on behalf and with whom are bound by contractual obligations consistent with this Privacy Policy
  • Legal basis
  • These processing are necessary for the performance of the contract between You and Sample-Me or a contract between You and third party that has a contract with Sample-Me.
  • These processing may also be necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by Sample-Me to deliver the Service

Type: Data Protection request management

  • Purpose
  • Reception of requests, in particular via the online referral form of the Data Protection Officer and the email dedicated to the Data Protection Officer.
  • Instruction and monitoring of requests, in conjunction with the departments concerned
  • Legal basis
  • These processing are necessary to comply with a legal obligation defined by applicable Data Protection regulation.
  • Where We are required by law to obtain Your consent before sending you such information or collecting your personal data for such purpose, We will rely upon such consent as our basis for processing.

Type :Comply with legal obligations

  • Purpose
  • Maintaining a record of activities in connection with your use of the Site
  • Send information to you regarding changes to our Privacy Policy;
  • To comply with a legal obligation, a court order, in order to exercise our legal claims, or to defend against legal claims
  • Satisfy various legal requirements
  • Legal basis
  • These processing are necessary to comply with a legal obligation defined by applicable Data Protection regulation, Consumer Protection, or a legal obligation related to the Service.

How long does Sample-Me keep your data?

Your Personal Data will be kept for as long as needed or permitted to fulfill the purposes described above, in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations. In particular, we will retain Your Personal Data for the length of time We have an ongoing relationship with You, and notably as long as You have an active account on the Website. We may also retain Your Personal Data for longer periods if We are required to by law or if this is advisable in light of our legal position (such as in regard of the enforcement of the Terms of Use, applicable statutes of limitations, litigation or regulatory investigations). In addition, we will retain Your Personal Data for 3 years from the end of Our relationship with You or from the last contact from the User in accordance with the regulations in force concerning marketing activities.

With whom does Sample-Me share your data?

The User is informed that Personal Data may be communicated to Our service providers and partners.

In order to protect the confidentiality of Your Personal Data, Sample-Me undertakes to share Your data only with persons or services authorized to know such information and exclusively for the purposes mentioned.

During the execution of our contracts, and in order to ensure the relationship with our customers and the continuity of our services, we will share your data with our service providers and business partners. We may also disclose Your information, including Your Personal Data, to courts, governmental or law enforcement authorities or authorized third parties, if required or permitted by law.

Sample-Me ensures that Your Personal Information is shared in accordance with applicable laws and under technical and organizational measures to ensure its protection.

Transfer of Personal Data

Sample-Me operates worldwide. Your Personal Data could thus be sent for storage and usage in countries in which Sample-Me and our affiliates and partners operate, in compliance with applicable legal requirements.

To facilitate our global operations, we may transfer information internationally and allow access to that information from countries in which the Sample-Me affiliated entities have operations for the purposes described in this policy. Sample-Me would only transfer information internationally to realize the purposes listed above, in the strict respect of any applicable legislation.

Your Personal Data may be transferred for storage and use outside the European Economic Area to countries in which Sample-Me and our affiliates operate. Where transfers are to take place outside the EEA, they will be made in compliance with regulations and after signing Standard Contractual Clauses, approved by the European Commission. These clauses ensure a sufficient level of protection of privacy and fundamental rights.

Can my Personal Data be sold?

As a matter of respect for our principles, and unless otherwise specified, Sample-Me does not give or sell your personal data.

How Sample-Me protects your Personal Data?

Information Security is a key aspect of Sample-Me’ overall IT solution. Data security controls and measures are in place throughout the enterprise and integrated in processes and procedures used in everyday operations. Several methodologies are used to govern and protect access to Sample-Me’ system resources and data.

These include physical security measures (security of access to premises, badges, etc.), organizational security measures (training, procedures, etc.), as well as IT security measures (antivirus, password security, backup, etc.). Measures are also in place to ensure that only authorized recipients have access to data, under appropriate security conditions


What are Your rights and how can You exercise them?

Depending on the contractual relationship, we may collect and process Personal Data on behalf of a particular customer in order to provide the services for which that customer has engaged us, in accordance with our contract with such customer.  If you would like to exercise your rights with respect to your Personal Data that we hold as a service provider for a particular customer, you should contact that customer directly.

For data processing where Sample-Me is qualified as Data Controller under the GDPR or Service Provider under the CCPA or any equivalent quality defined by applicable data protection regulation, Users are entitled to request access, rectification and/or erasure of Personal Data concerning them. Users also have the right to request that we restrict the processing of their personal data and the right to give instructions regarding the use of their personal data after their death.  Each User is entitled to request the provision of their Personal Data to them or to a third party in machine readable format. Please note that, where We rely on consent for the use of your Personal Data, you can withdraw at any time Your consent. In the event of difficulties relating to the management of your personal data, or if you consider that your rights have not been respected, you can address a complaint to the competent supervisory authority.

Users may exercise their rights by using the contact-us form  or the following address:


Data Controller

patrice Hamard : president & owner of Sample-Me


Applicable law

The Privacy Policy is subject to French law. This Privacy Policy constitutes the entire agreement between Sample-Me and the User. It supersedes and replaces all prior or contemporaneous understandings or agreements, written or oral, regarding such subject matter, and prevails over any conflicting terms. The Privacy Policy is established in several languages. In any case, the French language version of this Privacy Policy shall prevail over any other version. In the event of any dispute arising out of the validity, interpretation and/or performance of the Privacy Policy, Sample-Me and the User agree to meet to try and find an amicable solution to their dispute. In the event the parties fail to reach an amicable solution, any dispute concerning the interpretation, validity, and/or performance of the Privacy Policy shall be submitted to the competent courts of Paris, including in the case of multiple defendants or introduction of a third party, for proceedings aiming to obtain urgency or protective measures, in summary proceedings or on application.




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